Workplace Recycling

Let’s get it sorted.

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Webinars: Workplace recycling law implementation for hospitals and independent waste collectors

This March, we are delivering two additional webinars on the implementation of the workplace recycling laws. The first is for all hospitals across Wales with a year to go until they must comply with the Workplace Recycling Law.

The second is aimed at independent waste collectors operating across Wales.

The Workplace Recycling Regulations require workplaces in Wales to improve the way they recycle.

What’s changing and why

The requires all workplaces, including businesses, public bodies and the third sector, to separate these recyclable materials from their general waste.

  • Food leftovers or waste generated by food preparation
  • Paper and card such as old newspapers and envelopes, delivery boxes and packaging 
  • Metal, plastic, and cartons and other similar packaging (for example coffee cups)
  • Glass such as drinks bottles and food jars
  • Unsold textiles such as clothing and non-clothing
  • Unsold small waste electrical and electronic equipment (sWEEE)
Glass bottles
Metal cans
Plastic bottles
Waste paper
Food waste

It’s compulsory for businesses to arrange a separate collection of these materials, so they can be recycled efficiently.

Ready to get started?

Wales is currently second in the world when it comes to recycling waste from households.

The aim is to build on the success of household recycling and ensure high recycling rates across workplaces too.

The benefits of increasing recycling are that it:

  • increases the amount and quality of recycling that can then be used by Welsh manufacturers

  • supports workplaces to reduce their waste

  • reduces carbon emissions

  • helps the economy to create a greener Wales

A Pie chart showing 65% positive

65% recycling rate

of waste material collected by our local authorities

An illustration of a leaf and the world globe

400,000 tonnes

of carbon emissions saved each year

Useful Resources

We've got a range of resources to help you, including posters, templates and recordings of previous sector specific webinars.

Useful Resources
A selection of recycling posters